Dear friends and readers,
It’s been so long since I’ve sent a newsletter. How are you? As you know, I’ve been taking science classes for the past few years at my local community college (career shift ahead, TBD). This is my first term not in school in two years. I thought I would do something productive with my newly free post-bedtime evenings but no. In the meantime, I’ve begun to compile a collection of artifacts. Peeking at the science world with a liberal arts brain has been a real delight!
I also really enjoyed depicting literal, material science in illustrated form (if you know a science publisher please connect me!!). But not fancy, not finicky, in sketch form. It’s nice to look at this way, don’t ask me why. It’s accurate still but accessible. Visually appealing. Hormone cascades! Sodium-potassium pumps! Embryonic development!
(This last one is in the kidneys. Those stray protons are really important for pH balance – they attach to other molecules and get peed out to neutralize the system).
Thank you for reading! As always, would love to hear how you are and what you’re up do.