Hello and welcome!
I’m Mia, an illustrator, author, mom of two, sometimes writer, and postpartum doula. I’m also taking anatomy classes for an as-yet-unknown reason (science illustration? nursing?). Someone older than me once described me as “an artist trying to make it in the commercial world” and that’s not entirely untrue. I’m also “just a mom with a sketchbook.” My dream is to illustrate books and to work with new mothers.
Slow Noticing is the name of my next book which comes out in Spring 2023. It’s a book of drawing prompts.
This newsletter is a way to keep in touch, share drawings, get off instagram, and procrastinate. It will always be free and I’m planning to post once monthly (hahaha probably not). There will be a few drawings in it and not much to read. Lately my drawings have been about motherhood but that will change eventually. I also draw/write about other personal experiences and what I notice in the world.
Thank you for being here!